The main objects of the Association are:
- To undertake whatever may be deemed necessary and feasible for the preservation, propagation and practice of articles of faith among Shias in Perth and Australia wide
- To provide facilities, wherever possible, conducive to the educational, economic and social welfare of Shias and to lead to a greater understanding and cooperation among them
- To propagate, inculcate and promote understanding of Islam and Islamic values according to the teachings of Holy Quran, Traditions of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Ja’fari School of Thought
- To undertake all such things which are deemed to be conducive to preserve and promote greater harmony and understanding with the members of other faiths and other communities at large
- To provide financial assistance and voluntary services on humanitarian grounds to needy people within and outside Australia irrespective of country of origin, skin, colour, race or faith
- To undertake joint projects with other charitable organisations whether incorporated or not to facilitate the achievement of Association’s objects
- To affiliate with or assist in the establishment of any umbrella organisation of similar societies
- To provide Islamic marriage and divorce solemnizing services to members of the Shia community in Perth and in Western Australia
- To provide and facilitate Islamic funeral services for members and other Muslims in need of such services in Perth and in Western Australia
- To hold Congregations on religious auspicious days in accordance with the Islamic Calendar
- To raise funds by all lawful means, enter into contracts, arrangements, and agreements and utilise the funds for the furtherance of the above objectives
- The property and income of the Association shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objective or purpose of the Association and no part of that property or income may be paid or otherwise distributed, directly or indirectly, to members of the Association except in good faith in the promotion of these objects and purposes